Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Day-1 Let's begin

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. Anaïs Nin

This is my first post in this year after long time I did not write as much as previous year due to some business, no actually just useless reason. Yet, this condition should not occur in my life, because blogging is not only about how you write, but also about how you are respect to yourself.

So, my classmate and I in English Studio make an aggrement to do a challenge writing something to share every day for 30 days in english of course. We name this 30 days writing english challenge. Every 15.30, we gather in one place to write something special in that day, including your feeling or your daily activity. Also we can post some suggestions or "how to." So, let's begin and change the world with your words.

#day1 #30dayswritingenglish #englishstudio

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